Posts Tagged ‘justice’

30 November 2010
plot There’s a fence and a track down one side, but no way up this weedy incline. As I cut one, the leaves seem to laugh, in just days there’s no trace of my path. A strange cocktail awaits me outside: “Why bother?” their eyes seem to cry, “We’ve whipped and subdued it elsewhere. Shiny […]
2010 | sleep, songs | Tags: allotments, Bristol, climate change, food, inequality, justice, land, oilComments (0)

30 November 2010
fahrenheit Fahrenheit on my mind. I wish sleep would come tonight. But I’m jumping at the sound of every siren, every voice I hear seems to shout out my name, the darkness breathes with me. Fahrenheit on my mind, I can’t leave these things behind: did I have to do it did I have to […]